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Poverty in Transnistria is a large problem. In the poorest part of the poorest country of Europe poverty can be seen everywhere, especially in the rural areas. A general article regarding Transnistria is published here, in this article the poverty of this region will be highlighted.
During Christmas of 2021 I had the opportunity to join a local organisation who drove around the entire country for weeks giving presents and candy to poor families. It provided a unique opportunity to photograph the most dire poverty I had seen in many years. A ‘country’ with normal monthly salaries of around 150$.
Because of its conflicted status and rampant corruption, the people stay poor. With Russian troops always there, it can’t join rejoin Moldova nor define its own future.

While the cities are usually better off, the more rural areas are faced with very little economic activity and scars from the last war.
So who are the people living here? What are their stories?
Some people are stuck using horses as petrol is very expensive.

Man driving a horse carriage

Transnistrian man
This father of three lost his right leg and his wife due to frostbite in the harsh winters.
Wherever you go, you'll find many old people who have to survive on a small pension and remain stuck here.

Old woman walking home
They supplement their income by growing some crops or raising some animals

Old people rely on gardens for more food
Pumpkins growing in the field

It’s either old people or children that stay behind – so many children living in the downwards spiral of poverty

The young try to work abroad for little money
Teen mothers

But people stay hopeful, and in the snow entire families play outside with sledges

The housing situation of the locals isn’t as it should be. The houses are either free or very cheap, but often build before the Russian revolution of 1917 and simply of terrible quality.

Its a harsh life with walls made of dirt and straw and often no running water

Walls made of stray
Broken walls


Personal life
The life inside the house is often not much better as people live with a lot of people in one small space

The tv is usually the centerpiece of the house and the entertainment for the children.
Old tv in soviet housing

Like in most ‘post-‘soviet states, alcoholism is rampant, and empty bottles can be seen everywhere

Beer bottle
Alcoholism is rampant in Transnistria

In the kitchen we can see a glimpse of the diet of the people: simple, and traditional

Cabbage and pickles
Bread is homemade in small kitchens


Driving around the countryside it makes you wonder if everything rural is run down.
But some things, specifically religious buildings are in a pretty good condition.

This was one of three articles about Transnistria. Other entrees in this series are