The yellow umbrella, the central symbol for the resistance against China
Central Hong Kong
22.2800° N, 114.1588° E
The following photos were taken during the protests and most were published by Tripzilla, the biggest travel website of Asia. They show a city in protest, a unique protest that made 1/4th of the population go onto the streets and let their voices be heard. Defying arrests by the police and violence from mobs, they marched in unity for democracy, cleaning the streets and even recycling plastic in the process.

No turning back now – Central Hong Kong
A protester waves the English colonial flag next to a ‘No u-turn’-sign

Will it go red, or green? – Central Hong Kong
A local, who apparently had been fasting for a day, holds a sign which translates to
“A police officer with a heart will not repress with violence. Stop the polarisation and let’s all put pressure on this government”.
His shirt, on the other hand, says
“The police is beating up citizens. Shame on this corrupt government, we swear to fight for the withdrawal of the extradition bill. We are not quitting!”

Hong Kong turns red – Avenue of stars, Hong Kong
This photo was taken on the day of the Yuen long metro attacks, which marked a day of extreme violence, turning the city ‘red’

The Police front line

Meanwhile the protestors are sorting trash

A fire is lit with a Molotov cocktail is thrown at a barricade only accessible from the police line. As the fire burns, dozens of photographers run towards it to make photos.

In the end, a few journalists extinguish the fire, after taking 10 minutes to photograph it from all angles

As the atmosphere turns grim, people start wearing more and more masks and helmets

Some members of the local press getting (too) comfortable after the police had fired teargas acts that day and even foreign journalists were not safe from violence – Central Hong Kong

A presumed protester is seen being photographed by several press members

More protestors

Millions of people participated every time, yet they are just normal citizens with a name and a face